Course catalogue
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Find now the best match to your needs!
From online courses to hands-on skills building and live surgery masterclass!
From online courses to hands-on skills building and live surgery masterclass!
Mastering Implant Complications !
Learn how to find the real causes of implant failures and master step-by-step the proper management strategies for implant Biological and Technical complications!
Packed with clinically relevant information and "how to" video demonstrations, an eye-opening Masterclass for every implant practitioner!
Write your awesome label here.
Dr. Nikos Mattheos
Dr. Martin Janda
Mastering Peri-implantitis Surgery!
A clinically oriented practical update focused on the development of surgical competences!
Learn how to diagnose, identify the different types of defects and design the most effective individualised surgical interventions! A step by step clinically oriented course on the techniques, devices and protocols and how to utilise them!
Learn how to diagnose, identify the different types of defects and design the most effective individualised surgical interventions! A step by step clinically oriented course on the techniques, devices and protocols and how to utilise them!
Write your awesome label here.
Dr. Nikos Mattheos
Implants in the
Aesthetic Zone!
Master decision making and techniques for successful and lasting implant treatment in the aesthetic zone! From digital treatment planning to selection of implants and prosthetic design, bone and soft tissue augmentation, immediacy, learn step-by-step the pathways and tools for success in a challenging anatomy!
Write your awesome label here.
Dr. Nikos Mattheos
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Are you an ITI member?
Enjoy a 20% discount now in all our online courses !
Discount available for all members of the International Team of Implantology for our courses when accessed through the ITI Academy!
Face to face
Guided Immediacy!10 December 2024
in Hong Kong
Master the art and science of immediacy and guided surgery in this comprehensive 1-day course! From aesthetic zone to posterior upgrade your skills with predicatble immediate placement and restoration!
Hands-on training
Hands-on training
Implant Dentistry !
Get ready for a highly interactive, small team, fast-paced and compact course with the only aim to directly help you
deliver better care with dental implants! From treatment planning, to surgery, prosthodontics and maintenance, we will review step-by-step protocols and procedures and devise strategies for lasting success!
Small group
Implants in the
Aesthetic Zone!next: Spring '24
in Hong Kong
Master decision making and techniques for successful and lasting implant treatment in the aesthetic zone! Step by step from theory to practice! From immediacy, ridge preservation to bone and soft tissue augmentations and GBR!
Live Surgery!
Hands-on training
Coming in 2024:
Mastering Implant Complications
Live mentored Study Club!
Continue growing with the support of a mentored small group study club from the comfort of your clinic! Bring up your challenging cases or join discussion with others, receive mentoring and scientific update on a regular basis within a small cycle of trusted colleagues and friends!

Relevant, Efficient, Online Education